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Validate climatologies

The dhw package was created to track reproducibility in code while applying the CRW algorithms to additional datasets and further analysis.

To validate the climatology and maximum monthly mean take a spatial subset of the NOAA CoralTemp and the NOAA Daily climatology files for a single pixel (Lizard Island) spanning 1:


plot_mm(input = unwrap(lizard_OISST_raster), lon = 145.25, lat = -14.5)
#> Error in get(paste0(generic, ".", class), envir = get_method_env()) : 
#>   object 'type_sum.accel' not found

Verify Degree Heating Weeks

The dhw package was created to track reproducibility in code while applying the CRW algorithms to additional datasets.

To validate the create_climatology() functions, take a spatial subset of the NOAA CoralTemp and the NOAA Daily climatology files for a single pixel (Lizard Island) spanning 1:

(NOAA Climatology available here: - Contains 12 monthly mean SST climatologies for deriving CRW’s daily global 5km SST Anomaly product. The maximum pixel-based values from among the 12 monthly mean SST climatologies form the Maximum Monthly Mean (MMM) SST climatology, which is then used to derive CRW’s daily global 5km coral bleaching heat stress products)

From the CoralTemp data, run create_climatology() to generate SST, Daily Climatologies, MM, MMM, SSTA, HS, DHW:


grid_point <- data.frame(longitude = 145.405, latitude = -14.655) |>
  st_as_sf(coords = c("longitude", "latitude"), crs = 4326) |>
  vect() |>
  buffer(width = 0.001)

# CoralTempSST <- rast("/Users/rof011/GBR-dhw/datasets/coraltemp/") %>% 
#   crop(., grid_point) |> 
#   project("EPSG:4283") |> 
#   wrap()
# CoralTempDailyClimatology <- rast("/Users/rof011/GBR-dhw/datasets/coraltemp/") %>% 
#   crop(., grid_point) |> 
#   tidyterra::select(2:13) |> 
#   project("EPSG:4283") |> 
#   wrap()
# usethis::use_data(CoralTempSST)
# usethis::use_data(CoralTempDailyClimatology)

CoralTempSST <- unwrap(CoralTempSST)
CoralTempDailyClimatology <- unwrap(CoralTempDailyClimatology)

test_SST <- create_climatology(unwrap(CoralTempSST))
#> --- create_climatology ---
#> 4.8e-06 secs  -  Processing Monthly Mean Climatology 
#> 0.28 secs  -  Processing Daily Climatology 
#> 0.41 secs  -  Processing SST Anomalies 
#> 0.63 secs  -  Processing HotSpots (HS) 
#> 0.85 secs  -  Processing Degree Heating Weeks (DHW) 
#> 1.2 secs  -  Combining outputs

test_SST_vals <- terra::values(test_SST$mm) |> as.numeric() |> round(2)
CoralTempDailyClimatology_vals <- terra::values(unwrap(CoralTempDailyClimatology)) |> as.numeric()

Comparing the two datasets, June - December mostly match, but MM derived from the create_climatology() for Jan-May are (slightly) inconsistent with the NOAA baseline:

           dhw_library_mm = test_SST_vals,
           NOAA_mmm = CoralTempDailyClimatology_vals) |> 

ggplot() + theme_bw() +
  geom_point(aes(NOAA_mmm, dhw_library_mm, fill=month), stroke=0.5, shape=21, size=2.5, alpha=0.4) +
  stat_smooth(aes(NOAA_mmm, dhw_library_mm), method=lm) +
#> `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'

AFAIK this difference is due to the NOAA calculation of the Daily Climatologies, which are based on the full SST Timeseries (1985-01-01 to 2012-12-31), while CoralTemp is only available 1985-06-01 to 2012-12-31.

To test this, we can substitute the CoralTempDailyClimatology back into the climatology calculations. First download the complete NOAA dataset for a subset of time (2015-2017) for all variables (sst, ssta, hs, dhw):


NOAA_CRW_a <- griddap(
    datasetx = 'NOAA_DHW',
    time = c("2015-01-01", "2018-01-01"),
    latitude = c(-14.655, -14.655),
    longitude = c(145.405, 145.405),
    #fields = c('CRW_SST', 'CRW_SSTANOMALY', 'CRW_HOTSPOT', 'CRW_DHW'),
    fmt = "csv"

NOAA_CRW_b <- griddap(
    datasetx = 'NOAA_DHW',
    time = c("2018-01-01", "2021-01-01"),
    latitude = c(-14.655, -14.655),
    longitude = c(145.405, 145.405),
    #fields = c('CRW_SST', 'CRW_SSTANOMALY', 'CRW_HOTSPOT', 'CRW_DHW'),
    fmt = "csv"

NOAA_CRW_c <- griddap(
    datasetx = 'NOAA_DHW',
    time = c("2021-01-01", "2024-05-15"),
    latitude = c(-14.655, -14.655),
    longitude = c(145.405, 145.405),
    #fields = c('CRW_SST', 'CRW_SSTANOMALY', 'CRW_HOTSPOT', 'CRW_DHW'),
    fmt = "csv"


#usethis::use_data(NOAA_CRW, overwrite=TRUE)

To compare this subset, run the individual components of the create_climatology() except replace the calculated_mm with the NOAA CRW CoralTempDailyClimatology amd visualise the data:

calculated_mm <- calculate_monthly_mean(CoralTempSST)
calculated_mmm <- calculate_maximum_monthly_mean(mm = CoralTempDailyClimatology)
calculated_dc <- calculate_daily_climatology(sst_file = CoralTempSST, mm = CoralTempDailyClimatology)
calculated_anomalies <- calculate_anomalies(sst_file = CoralTempSST, climatology = calculated_dc)
calculated_hotspots <- calculate_hotspots(mmm = calculated_mmm, sst_file = CoralTempSST)
calculated_dhw <- calculate_dhw(hotspots = calculated_hotspots)
calculated_baa <- calculate_baa(hotspots = calculated_hotspots, dhw = calculated_dhw)

# convert to df
calculated_sst <- CoralTempSST |>, wide=FALSE, time=TRUE) |> rename(calculated_SST=values) |> 
  filter(time >= as.Date("2015-01-01")) |>  filter(time < as.Date("2024-05-15")) |> select(-x, -y, -layer)
calculated_dc <- calculated_dc |>, wide=FALSE, time=TRUE) |> rename(calculated_DC=values) |> 
  filter(time >= as.Date("2015-01-01")) |>  filter(time < as.Date("2024-05-15")) |> select(-x, -y, -layer)
calculated_anomalies <- calculated_anomalies |>, wide=FALSE, time=TRUE) |> rename(calculated_SSTA=values) |> 
  filter(time >= as.Date("2015-01-01")) |>  filter(time < as.Date("2024-05-15")) |> select(-x, -y, -layer)
calculated_hotspots <- calculated_hotspots |>, wide=FALSE, time=TRUE) |> rename(calculated_HS=values) |> 
  filter(time >= as.Date("2015-01-01")) |>  filter(time < as.Date("2024-05-15")) |> select(-x, -y, -layer)
calculated_dhw <- calculated_dhw |>, wide=FALSE, time=TRUE) |> rename(calculated_DHW=values) |> 
  filter(time >= as.Date("2015-01-01")) |>  filter(time < as.Date("2024-05-15")) |> select(-x, -y, -layer)
calculated_baa <- calculated_baa |>, wide=FALSE, time=TRUE) |> rename(calculated_BAA=values) |> 
  filter(time >= as.Date("2015-01-01")) |>  filter(time < as.Date("2024-05-15")) |> select(-x, -y, -layer)

daily_climatology_plot <- ggplot() + theme_bw() + 
  geom_line(data=calculated_sst, aes(time,calculated_SST), color="grey") +
  geom_line(data = calculated_dc, aes(time, calculated_DC), color="blue") +
  geom_hline(yintercept=terra::values(calculated_mmm) |> as.numeric(), color="red")  +

#> Attaching package: 'patchwork'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:terra':
#>     area

daily_anomalies_plot <- ggplot() + theme_bw() + 
  geom_line(data=calculated_anomalies, aes(time, calculated_SSTA, color=calculated_SSTA), show.legend=FALSE) +
  scale_color_distiller(palette="RdBu") +
  geom_hline(yintercept=0, color="black") +
  ylab("SST Anomalies")

daily_hs_plot <- ggplot() + theme_bw() + 
  geom_line(data = calculated_hotspots, aes(time, calculated_HS, color=calculated_HS), show.legend=FALSE) +
  scale_color_distiller(palette="Reds", direction=1) +

daily_dhw_plot <- ggplot() + theme_bw() + 
  geom_line(data=calculated_dhw, aes(time, calculated_DHW, color=calculated_DHW), linewidth=1.5, show.legend=FALSE) +
  scale_color_distiller(palette="RdYlGn", direction=-1) +
  ylab("Degree Heating Weeks")

daily_baa_plot <- ggplot() + theme_bw() + 
  geom_line(data=calculated_baa, aes(time, calculated_BAA, color=calculated_BAA), show.legend=FALSE) +
  scale_color_distiller(palette="RdPu", direction=1) +
  ylab("Bleaching Alert Area")

(daily_climatology_plot / daily_anomalies_plot / daily_hs_plot / daily_dhw_plot / daily_baa_plot)

Third, compare the calculated climatology values for sst, ssta, hs, dhw with the original downloaded NOAA .nc file to validate the method:

NOAA_data <- NOAA_CRW_data |> dplyr::select(time, CRW_SST, CRW_SSTANOMALY, CRW_HOTSPOT, CRW_DHW, CRW_BAA) |> 
  mutate(time=as.Date(time)) |> 
  rename(NOAA_SST = CRW_SST,
         NOAA_DHW = CRW_DHW,
         NOAA_BAA = CRW_BAA) |> 
  mutate(NOAA_HS = ifelse(NOAA_HS < 1, 0, NOAA_HS)) #|> 
  #mutate(NOAA_DHW = ifelse(NOAA_DHW == 0, NA, NOAA_DHW))

calculated_data <- 
  left_join(calculated_sst, calculated_anomalies, by = join_by(time)) %>% 
  left_join(., calculated_hotspots, by = join_by(time)) %>% 
  left_join(., calculated_dhw, by = join_by(time)) %>% 
  left_join(., calculated_baa, by = join_by(time)) |> 
  filter(time %in% NOAA_data$time) |> 
  select(time, calculated_SST, calculated_SSTA, calculated_HS, calculated_DHW, calculated_BAA)

combined_data <- left_join(calculated_data, NOAA_data, by = join_by(time))

#View(combined_data |> select(time, NOAA_HS, NOAA_DHW, NOAA_BAA, calculated_HS, calculated_DHW, calculated_BAA)

## reextract mm

mm_comparison <- data.frame(, 
           calculated_MM = terra::values(calculated_mm) |> as.numeric() |> round(2),
           NOAA_MM = terra::values(CoralTempDailyClimatology) |> as.numeric())


calibrated_plot_SST <- ggplot() + theme_bw() +
  geom_point(data=combined_data, aes(NOAA_SST, calculated_SST), color="indianred1") +

calibrated_plot_SSTA <- ggplot() + theme_bw() +
  geom_point(data=combined_data, aes(NOAA_SSTA, calculated_SSTA), color="khaki3") +

calibrated_plot_HS <- ggplot() + theme_bw() +
  geom_point(data=combined_data, aes(NOAA_HS, calculated_HS), color="turquoise") +

calibrated_plot_DHW <- ggplot() + theme_bw() +
  geom_point(data=combined_data, aes(NOAA_DHW, calculated_DHW), color="lightseagreen") +

calibrated_plot_BAA <- ggplot() + theme_bw() +
  geom_point(data=combined_data, aes(NOAA_BAA, calculated_BAA), color="purple") +
  geom_abline() +

(calibrated_plot_SST + calibrated_plot_SSTA + calibrated_plot_HS + calibrated_plot_DHW + calibrated_plot_BAA) + plot_layout(nrow=2)