Calculate BAA
Function to calculate bleaching alert area (BAA)
The BAA outlines the current locations, coverage, and potential risk level of coral bleaching heat stress around the world.
The heat stress level in the individual Bleaching Alert Area single-day products at a 5km satellite data grid, on any day, is based on SST for that day. The coral bleaching heat stress levels are defined in the table below (updated in December 2023):
No Stress — HotSpot <= 0 Bleaching Watch — 0 < HotSpot < 1 Bleaching Warning — 1 <= HotSpot and 0 < DHW < 4 Bleaching Alert Level 1 — 1 <= HotSpot and 4 <= DHW < 8 Bleaching Alert Level 2 — 1 <= HotSpot and 8 <= DHW < 12 Bleaching Alert Level 3 — 1 <= HotSpot and 12 <= DHW < 16 Bleaching Alert Level 4 — 1 <= HotSpot and 16 <= DHW < 20 Bleaching Alert Level 5 — 1 <= HotSpot and 20 <= DHW See vignette for further details.